Thursday, January 30, 2014

KCW Part 2: Banyan Tee

This project started with seeing a cute wee top in Pumpkin Patch one day with a handkerchief hemline and flutter sleeves.  It also had a picture on the front that I wasn't keen on so I decided to try and hunt out a pattern and make my own.  After much searching I came across Banyan Tee by Figgy's patterns, not only was this pattern exactly what I wanted but it also had a boys version on the same pattern - bonus I can use one pattern for both kids, that doesn't happen very often!  And what is more it introduced me to the gorgeous patterns by Figgy (one or two more may have fallen into my cart when I bought this one).  
Having sourced the pattern I just had to find fabric.  Keeping with my theme of sewing from stash I went down to the garage to look through the boxes (yes boxes) of knit fabrics.  Amongst the first box I found this gorgeous almost coraly pink (although it doesn't look it in the photo) broderie anglaise style knit.  Fabric chosen!

 So here's the top when it was almost finished (still had the hem to do).  The pattern went together really well.  I made Miss M the size 2-3T tee length version of the pattern and left off the pocket.  I loved that I managed to sew nearly the whole top on the overlocker, woohoo, and the only issue I had was with the hem.  I followed the instructions for sewing across the corners of the handkerchief hemline but then made the mistake of trying to hem with a twin needle which of course was never going to work.  So I ripped that back, overlocked the bottom and did a simple narrow hem instead (perfect).  There is no stress on this hemline so no need for the added 'give' of a twin needle hem anyway.

And the overall verdict is I love it!  The fit is perfect on Miss M and she likes that it is 'twirly'.  I love how nicely the neckline sits and the shape of the curve at the front, it just seems right.  I can see more of these in the future especially now I have come across instructions for making a long sleeved version :-)

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