Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wow A Whole Year

I have just realized that today is my first blogiversary.  I must admit that when I started this blog this time last year I never actually thought I would keep it up, so it is nice to prove to myself that I could do it.  In actual fact I really enjoy updating my blog and also going back and reading through old posts.  My favorite thing of all though is reading other people's comments on my blog posts.
With this in mind I have decided to have a wee 'Thank You' giveaway for those who take the time to read my ramblings, bad grammar and all.  I will give anyone who has posted a comment on my blog (excluding giveaway and auction posts) one entry per comment into the draw and then find a winner with the help of random.org.  This will only apply to comments on my actual blog not those on Facebook, sorry.
So what will this giveaway be?  Well it's a mystery :-)  Partly because I'm not entirely sure yet and partly because I may change my mind depending on who wins the draw so I can taylor it to them personally.  It will certainly contain something hand crafted though and probably something yummy and edible.

All that remains is to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone out there for supporting this wee endeavor of mine and I look forward to sharing this blog with you in the year ahead.

Because every post should have a picture - "Sibling similarity"

P.S  I won't do the draw until tomorrow night at 10pm NZ time so if you haven't already done so find your favorite post and leave a comment or two ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed seeing what you have got up to over the past year. Looking forward to another year..........
